Our Services


As an exclusive intellectual property (IP) firm in India, we specialize in delivering comprehensive trademark services to multinational corporations, domestic enterprises, SMEs, and start-ups. With a deep dedication, our team of adept trademark prosecuting lawyers, litigators, and transactional attorneys collaborates closely to offer tailored advice and services to our esteemed clientele.
Our expertise lies in providing strategic protection perspectives and devising offensive and defensive strategies to safeguard clients’ rights over trademarks, trade dress, domain names, and more, both within India and internationally. We pride ourselves on our ability to assist clients  in implementing robust brand development strategies, including conducting clearance searches and offering opinions to clients from worldwide.

To meet the diverse needs of businesses, we maintain a trusted network of global trademark attorneys and law firms to handle trademark filings, prosecution, and enforcement beyond India’s borders. Our services encompass a wide array of actions, including online and offline use investigations, cease and desist notices, negotiation for the withdrawal of conflicting marks, oppositions, cancellation actions at the Trademark Registry or High Courts, and more jurisdictions.

Trademark Services

Trademark thorough search and opinion

Trademark registration in India

Trademark oppositions/

Dispute resolution and enforcement

Online and offline use investigation

Assignment, licensing, and trademark due diligence

Trademark analysis for mergers & acquisitions

Trademark renewal and maintenance

Domain name procurement

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